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Six Hubs Moving in Formation

In 2022, #GulfSouth4GND is building regional power and movement infrastructure that is rooted in the ongoing work of local environmental and climate justice leaders that collectively advance the Gulf South for a Green New Deal Policy Platform.

Through the creation of 6 Hubs, one per Gulf South state and one colonial territory (Puerto Rico), we are establishing the foundation for a long-term, sustainable climate movement that is grounded in the frontline leadership. Each Hub consists of a Facilitative and Financial Leads, a Policy Table to lead policy and regulatory work, an Action Table to advance a regional action campaign(s) of at least two hubs moving together, and a Communications Table to engage a broader public narrative and advance a regional communications strategy.

Learn more about each of the Hubs on their respective local pages below, and

sign-up to the Gulf South for a Green New Deal newsletter for regional updates. 

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Ready to Move with Us?

To formally join the #GulfSouth4GND formation,
sign on to our collective policy platform and shared values.

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